Whether or not that phrase conjures up a particular tune that will become an ‘ear worm’ for the rest of the day, it accurately embodies the vision that Owner/Head Greenskeeper Scott Harger had been formulating for years. After retiring from a 20-year career with the State of Connecticut Department of Corrections, Scott’s vision became reality, and Essex Indoor Golf Center opened its doors in June 2020. (yup, it was the height of the pandemic)  

Scott is an exceptional conversationalist, but his self-deprecating manner usually downplays his many golf accomplishments and accolades. His experience in the world of golf goes far beyond trying to improve his own game since he took it up in junior high school. Scott’s golf resume includes more than 15 years as a high school golf coach, serving in leadership and consultative roles for local golf associations, competing in 200+ amateur and charity golf tournaments, and assisting in tournament operations with the PGA Head Golf Professional at a private country club.   

Scott’s wife of 30+ years, Cheryl, does NOT golf. But she’s as deeply immersed in the operation of Essex Indoor Golf Center as Scott. Cheryl’s expertise as a degreed accountant means that she oversees ‘the business side of the business’. Notice we didn’t say she’s “behind the scenes”? You’ll often see her meeting up with local leaders, event planners, and business collaborators.    

Since there’s no “I” in “TEAM”, let us introduce you to the rest of the crew: